Greater purchasing power and flexibility:
Using a business credit card can give you more financial flexibility by improving working capital when you need to make large purchases or pay vendors before receiving payment from your last job. Gain the payment flexibility needed to grow and succeed in today’s competitive business marketplace!
Separate personal and business finances:|
Using a business credit card keeps your personal and business expenses separate, which is especially helpful for accurate bookkeeping and tax reporting.
Expense tracking:
Using a business credit card makes it easier to track and analyze business expenses, generate financial reports and claim eligible tax deductions.
Centralized expense management:
Do you have employees who make purchases on behalf of your company? With a business credit card program, you can track expenses from a central payment account, simplify reconciliation and reduce the burden on employees by eliminating or reducing employee reimbursements
With a rewards card, you earn extra on your business expenses:
Earn reward points on purchases such as office supplies, business travel, advertising, software, business cell phones and more! Use your rewards points to earn cash back to offset your business expenses. Click here to take a look at rewards options.
Call or text us today to get started: 1-800-310-2197
VISA Business Card Benefits